SPOKANE - City of Spokane Parks & Recreation is pleased continue the partnership with Spokane Shakespeare Society (S3) to bring Shakespeare in the Park to Spokane with the
second show performances beginning after Labor Day.
S3 will present their second show in both Riverfront Park and Manito Park. This expansion is aligned to both the Parks & Recreation and S3’s goal to continue to bring theatre to
Spokane, no matter their location.
Goodnight, Desdemona (Good Morning, Juliet) by Ann-Marie McDonald and directed by Megan Wiltshire and Rebecca Craven will have eight shows in Riverfront: September 8, 9,
10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2022 with all shows beginning at 6:30 pm. The performances will be in the Pavilion, except the 16-17, which will be held in the Lilac Bowl.
There will also be four shows in Manito Park: September 20, 21, and 23, 2022 with a curtain of 6:30pm and will close on September 25, 2022 with a 2 pm matinee. The shows will
be on Duncan Lawn, located on the east side of the garden, near Tekoa Rd.
Friends and families can gather, bring their lawn chairs or blankets, pack a picnic or enjoy food from various restaurants—and enjoy a night of professional theatre under the stars
while reveling in the last of the summer season. All seating will be open seating, however, large groups may reach out to S3 to discuss the best options for ensuring your group can
sit together.
Continued support is being sought with sponsors for the show, the actors, and other expenses. Businesses or individuals wishing to sponsor should reach out to the S3 executive
director. Spokane Shakespeare Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and is always looking for ways to connect with community partners to expand their service to the community. For
more information, visit spokaneshakespearesociety.org.
Original source can be found here.