Jaime Herrera Butler tweeted the following:
"Employers interested in participating should email southwestwajobs@mail.house.gov or call my Vancouver office at (360) 695-6292."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jaime Herrera Butler:
"WHEN: Wednesday, June 1st from 11AM 2PMWHERE: Clark County Event Center, Exhibition Hall BADDRESS: 17402 NE Delfel Road Ridgefield, WA 98642"Read on Twitter
"In the coming days, I will be posting a list of employers who will be attending the Jobs Fair on my website: JHB.house.gov. Be sure to check back as this list continues to be updated!"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"Im excited to host my 11th annual Jobs Fair on June 1st, where folks can meet employers and apply for jobs. This event is free and open to all residents of Southwest Washingtondetails below."Read on Twitter