Clark County has nearly 35,000 homes and businesses with septic systems! Septic systems are designed to treat the sewage we generate in our homes when using sinks, toilets, showers, dishwashers and washing machines. The sewage contains anything we pour down the drain including dirt, soap, food, grease, chemicals and bodily waste. If a septic system is not properly maintained, it can cause sewage to back up into a home or cause contamination of our drinking water and our groundwater.
To protect public health and the environment, Clark County’s Operation and Maintenance (O&M) program ensures routine inspections of septic systems are done on schedule and to identify minor problems before they create a public health threat. If deficiencies are found, the O&M team works with homeowners on repairs or replacements to help them protect their investment, protect surface waters and groundwater.
Have a septic system? Learn about inspecting and maintaining your septic system at
Original souce can be found here.